perform contract中文什么意思

发音:   用"perform contract"造句
  • perform:    vt. 1.履行,实行,干,执行(命 ...
  • contract:    vt.,vi. 1.收缩,紧缩;(使 ...
  • perform a contract:    履行合同; 履行会同; 执行合同
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Perform contract , supervise contract execution , and deal with change orders
  2. Laser installation expert . may perform contract laser installation , trouble - shooting , and consulting services across asia
  3. Second , enterprise should reform the running system gradually , perform contract system by principal of kindergarten or system of share cooperation , enlarge power of decision and give necessary support to kindergartens
  4. Which we call is saoc market contract theory . during performing contract , saoc is the pure market organizer . it establishes market competition rule and gives the management right to the best one in competition
  5. The performance of financial contract is a process to distribute finiancial resource and influence the sharing arrangement in the future . it ' s necessary to arrangment financial rights by finance governance for the sake of avoiding the conflict of interest and performing contract successfully


  1. perform an operation on a patient for 什么意思
  2. perform an operation on sb 什么意思
  3. perform an operation to amputate his leg 什么意思
  4. perform appropriate therapy 什么意思
  5. perform chuanliu 什么意思
  6. perform contract obligations 什么意思
  7. perform cpr 什么意思
  8. perform cunnilingus on sb 什么意思
  9. perform deeds of valour in battle 什么意思
  10. perform duties 什么意思


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